70 Cryptocurrency Statistics to Highlight Crypto Trends - ACMiner

70 Cryptocurrency Statistics to Highlight Crypto Trends

Cryptocurrency, also known as crypto-currency or crypto, is a form of virtual or digital money that employs encryption to safeguard transactions. Governments and other central regulatory bodies cannot regulate cryptocurrencies.

Conceptually, crypto operates outside of the banking system using several brands of coins, with Bitcoin as the main component. When you retain cryptocurrencies, you don't own anything. You hold the secret to moving information or units of measurement between individuals without the need for a go-between.

In contrast to actual physical coins, payments made with cryptocurrencies only exist as digital entries on a blockchain that list individual transactions.

A public ledger logs all transactions, but many traders use cryptocurrency wallets to store their tokens.

Top cryptocurrency statistics

Cryptocurrency is one of the newest and fastest-growing industries in the world. The use and value of digital currencies have increased substantially, although the first cryptocurrency was developed thirteen years ago.

  • For a greater understanding of crypto in 2023, you should know these figures and facts.
  • India is currently the largest market for cryptocurrencies, with the US coming in second.

97% of people believe Bitcoin is an investing tool, and 55% believe it’s a long-term wealth-building strategy.

57% of crypto owners in the U.S. are millennials, who comprise 30% of the population.

  • More than 21,000 other cryptocurrencies have developed and followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin since its launch. In terms of value, Tether is number one, followed by Ethereum, and then Bitcoin.
  • As of January 3, 2023, the value of cryptocurrencies was estimated to reach $804 billion, with Bitcoin accounting for about $320 billion.
  • The global market for online payments reached $6.75 trillion in 2021.
  • The Bitcoin blockchain is 446 terabytes in size as of January 3, 2023, nearly doubling from just three years prior.
  • As of September 2021, 86% of Americans were at least somewhat familiar with cryptocurrency.
  • Daily Bitcoin transactions peaked in September 2022 at 268,971.
  • As of March 2023, the market value of Bitcoin was $524.35 billion.
  • In March 2023, the total market value of all cryptocurrencies reached $1.17 trillion.
  • In September 2022, the daily average volume of cryptocurrency trades reached $103 billion.
  • The price of Bitcoin surged by more than 540,000% between 2012 and 2021.

General cryptocurrency statistics

Although many of us still need to learn about investing in cryptocurrencies, one of the key features that makes this steadily expanding tech so attractive is that transactions made can be made without the government limitations that apply to fiat money. Regulations are commonly accused of impeding efficient transactions and serving the system rather than investors’ interests.

  • Since June 2013, hackers have stolen over $75 billion in cryptocurrencies.
  • Around $15 billion of cryptocurrency have been misappropriated through scams, hacks, and exploits as of December 2020. This climbed considerably to $75.09 billion by February 2023.
  • The largest single assault occurred in May 2022, when a bank run cost Terra Classic $40 billion. But by February 2023, $6 billion had been retrieved.
  • 84% of the blockchain patents in the world are from China.
  • The cost of one bitcoin is currently $69,044.77.
  • 27 million people in India are Bitcoin owners.
  • In June 2021, Ethereum and Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) accounted for 45% of the value of crypto transactions in France, while Bitcoin landed at 20%.

33 new cryptocurrencies are generated each week.

  • Every two seconds, a social media post about cryptocurrencies is published.
  • The cryptocurrency trading volume dropped to $47.1 billion per day.
  • According to 67% of millennials, Bitcoin is a safe-haven asset.
  • 'Trading volumes for crypto investment products have increased by 127%.
  • The 24-hour trade volume for the whole crypto market peaked on May 19, 2021, coming in at over $500 billion.
  • As of August 2022, there are 84.02 million cryptocurrency wallets worldwide.
  • Between 2019 and 2025, the global cryptocurrency market is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 56.4%.

Crypto investor statistics

For many buyers, the primary draw of cryptocurrencies is the ability to invest in cutting-edge digital assets. While some invest in cryptocurrencies for short-term speculation, others see it as diversifying their holdings away from more conventional assets like stocks, bonds, or real estate. These crypto statistics will show you the current investment trends.

  • Men comprise over 70% of Bitcoin owners, and women comprise 30% of cryptocurrency owners.
  • High-income earners are disproportionately represented among cryptocurrency investors in the United States, with those making $100,000 or more per year making up 25% of crypto owners, but just 15% of the general population.
  • As of September 2022, Vietnam is placed first on Chainalysis's global crypto adoption index, closely followed by the Philippines and Ukraine.

21% of American adults are cryptocurrency owners.

  • The typical cryptocurrency investor makes about $111,000 a year.
  • The rate of adoption of cryptocurrencies is highest in Nigeria.
  • According to data from 2022, 45% of Nigerians own or use cryptocurrencies.
  • 77% of crypto owners in America use Bitcoin.
  • 18% of college students in America own cryptocurrency.
  • 66% of Americans claim to be uninterested in cryptocurrencies.
  • Globally, there are 37,368 cryptocurrency ATMs as of February 2023. Owners can now trade their cryptocurrency for cash in 79 different nations.
  • In May 2022, 44.4% of Bitcoin owners reported expecting an improvement in their finances over the following year, compared to only 27.1% of all American people and 29.5% of those with high incomes.
  • Just 18.6% of Americans with annual incomes under $50,000 are cryptocurrency owners.

Cryptocurrency statistics by industries

Companies all across the world are currently accepting various cryptocurrencies in transactions. A relentless drive toward a decentralized financial system to balance out fiat money is taking place right now. These statistics will be helpful for your upcoming move in the cryptocurrency market.

  • More than 85% of US businesses prioritize allowing cryptocurrency payments.
  • Customers who use cryptocurrencies spend $250 more on each transaction than typical customers.
  • By 2025, the worldwide market for luxury goods is expected to rise to $1.4 trillion from $1.2 trillion, with millennials accounting for 50% of the market.
  • 94% of all cryptocurrency purchases in 2021 were by under-40 millennials and members of Generation Z.
  • According to projections, digital cross-border remittances will increase from $295 billion in 2021 to $428 billion in 2025.
  • 8% of remitters already send money using cryptocurrencies.
  • Traditional remittance techniques are 388 times slower and 127 times more expensive than cryptocurrency transmission.

40% is the average increase in customers after businesses start accepting crypto payments.

  • The gaming industry was valued at $249.55 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $340 billion by 2027.
  • In 2021, 25.1% of Bitcoin owners purchased cryptocurrency for online gaming or gambling.
  • In the future, 48.6% of Bitcoin owners want to use their coins for online gaming or gambling.
  • More Bitcoin ATMs are located in Los Angeles than in any other US city.

Cryptocurrency trading statistics

Trading cryptocurrencies provides more liquidity because cryptocurrencies are easier to buy and sell than conventional investments or other types of assets. The entry hurdle to using cryptocurrencies is also lower because you only need a little money to start.

The following cryptocurrency trading statistics will give you an idea of crypto trading factors.

  • The largest cryptocurrency exchange is Binance, followed by Coinbase Exchange ($1.6 billion) and Kraken ($0.98 billion).
  • Every 24 hours, users of Binance transact $20.37 billion worth of cryptocurrencies.
  • Approximately 110 million customers of the cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase are verified, up from 23 million in 2018.

65% of US crypto owners use Coinbase.

  • Two-thirds of all Bitcoin hedge funds worldwide have headquarters in the US or the Cayman Islands.
  • The tax-friendly Cayman Islands are home to 34% of all cryptocurrency hedge funds worldwide. With 33%, the United States is just a little behind.
  • Over $59.6 billion in assets are managed by cryptocurrency funds.
  • Only 7% of crypto companies have assets worth $100 million. 39% of businesses have under $10 million.
  • Crypto funds that employ venture/ICO methods produce returns of 31.2%.

Cryptocurrency mining statistics

Although crypto mining uses so much computational power, it keeps a blockchain network secure. Read these statistics for an overview of current crypto mining trends.

  • The typical Ethereum mining setup generates $4,854.50 in revenue annually.
  • More than 90% of all Bitcoins have already been mined.
  • The United States is where 38% of all Bitcoin mining takes place.
  • China hosted the majority of the world's Bitcoin mining until July 2021. China's implied ban on cryptocurrency use has caused the US to overtake China for first place.
  • A single Bitcoin transaction uses 2,264 kWh of actual energy.
  • If Bitcoin were a nation, it would have the 23rd-highest energy consumption rate.
  • The carbon footprint of Bitcoin, which is 77 megatons of CO2, is similar to that of Kuwait.
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